Emily's Images
year |
dedication |
To Jayn
duration |
7 minutes
instrumentation |
Flute and
commission |
Jayn Rosenfeld
première |
September 15, 1987, Latin-American Foundation for
Contemporary Music, University of Puerto Rico. Jayne
Rosenfeld, flute and Evelyn Crochet, piano
recording |
“The Sky’s the Limit,” Crystal
Records, Digital CD 317, Leone Buyse, flute and
Martin Amlin, piano. "Legacy of the American Woman
Composer," 4Tay
Records, CD4018, Laurel Ann Mauser, flute and Joanne
Pearce Martin, piano. Also available on demo CD
movements |
- A Spider sewed at Night
- A Clock stopped–Not the Mantel’s
- Exultation is the going
- The Robin is a Gabriel
- After great pain, a formal feeling comes
- The Leaves like Women interchange
- A Day! Help! Help! Another Day!
notes |
Emily’s Images was inspired by reading
through an index of first lines of poems by Emily
Dickinson. Each short movement is based on the first line
of a poem. Fine explains that the musical form is a
series of free variations with no overtly stated theme;
the musical ideas themselves are the subject of the
variation processes. Many subtle and surprising
connections exist among the movements. As an example, the
notes of “The Robin is a Gabriel” (the lone
movement for solo flute) are a rhythmically transposed
version of “A Spider sewed at Night”
beginning in the second bar. The canon between piano and
flute in “The Leaves like Women interchange”
employs those same notes in yet another rhythmic and
octave transposition.
–notes for “The Sky’s the
reviews |
“Emily’s Images…are seven
brief suggestions of Emily Dickinson’s poetry. As
pleasant concert music, they do not require the listener
to be familiar with the literature. The flute and piano
play at and with one another in snatches of canon and
octave exchanges….The piece offers college-level
players a most programmable twentieth century
–Betty-Ann Lynerd, Women of Note
Quarterly, February 1997
files |
A Spider sewed
at Night
Exultation is
the going